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I wasn't allowed to photograph the hunger strikers on pallets behind this sign,
nor do I know how long it continued, but it was a well-organized and common form of protest.

Speaking of was Indian all the way with the exception of recovering from an intestinal attack from whatever it is that attacks. The pills I brought with me took care of it in less than 24 hours. Everything was cooked sauces and curd, a vegetarian paradise. I craved fresh salad and vegetables, but knew it would end badly. Dinners at the Nordkill were exemplary of more sophisticated cuisine: A Tongba-Sikkimese traditional drink of fermented millet served in a wooden vessel with hot water poured over (some alcoholic content). Then soup. The main course consisted of chicken momo (Indian ravioli) with chutney, pork and spinach, noodles with green peas, bambooshoot with curd, fiddlehead fern with fermented cheese, black dal (lentils) on rice. Dessert was rice pudding. Too much but great to taste the variety. Apologies to the hunger strikers.
