China trip

The Chinese generally acknowledge that theirs and France's cuisines are the best in the world. Real Chinese food IS a sane way to eat. After indulging with little restraint for a month, I lost seven pounds. One hotel had a particularly effective "menu" – 30-some dishes displayed with uncooked ingredients under glass globes. At first I was afraid I might be getting the floor sample, but eventually was convinced not by the freshness of, for example, okra in soy/vinaigrette/pepper sauce. Other standout dishes included an autumn dish of steamed chestnuts, peanuts, pumpkin, squash and corn; a salad of tiny quail eggs in gelatin with semi-pickled cucumber, mild peppers, shrimp bits and an unidentified green herb; cauliflower hot pot with bits of pork fat, mild peppers, garlic, ginger and onions stewing in the broth. Alas, KFC, McDonald's, pizza, etc., are all too available.